I make an impact by…
Being passionate and knowledgeable about what I deliver to my clients. I love putting together a marketing strategy and executing all aspects of it – from copywriting and design to website management and SEO.
My marketing passion is…
Feeding my hunger for new and impactful creative resources and ideas. If I find a new tool, activity, or practice that could make a marketing impact for our clients, I try it…even if I never have before. I’m always looking to add to my Swiss Army Knife of marketing skills.
When I am not changing the world one marketing program at a time…
You can catch me trying new restaurants, hanging with my kids, traveling, practicing positivity, creating art, or reading some spiritual book.
Fun Fact…
I spent five years in the Navy as a Seabee and operated heavy machinery including bulldozers, graders, backhoes, and more. I contribute my “Can Do!” attitude to the time I spent in the military…well, that and my sailor’s mouth.